Peperomia obtusifolia - Baby Rubber Plant 4"
Peperomia obtusifolia - Baby Rubber Plant 4"
Peperomia obtusifolia - Baby Rubber Plant 4"

Peperomia obtusifolia - Baby Rubber Plant 4"

Regular price $14.99
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Baby Rubber plants are one of the upright types of peperomias. 

Light:  Bright Indirect Light to Low (or even under fluorescent lighting). Keep away from direct light and drafts. 

Water: When the soil is mostly dry. Careful to not over water. Use tepid water. 

Humidity: Moderate

Temperature: Min of 55° F

Soil/Repotting: Repot when the roots have no more room. Every 2-3 years in the spring. Use well-draining soil such as common houseplant mixes. 

Pet Friendly / Air Purifying 

*Discover the convenience of local delivery and in-store pickup, we also offer U.S. shipping. Please be mindful of temperatures when shipping to colder states as we currently do not provide heat packs. Plants may be harmed in below-freezing conditions.*