Monstera Deliciosa - Swiss Cheese Plant
Monstera Deliciosa - Swiss Cheese Plant

Monstera Deliciosa - Swiss Cheese Plant

Regular price $18.99
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This timeless climber first graced the '70s with its presence. Beloved for its striking glossy heart-shaped leaves with cool perforations - generically nicknamed the "Swiss Cheese Plant". Low-key care; high-key statement - it's a no-brainer for any smart plant parent! Hailing from Mexico to Panama, it's a tropic trend-setter sure to make any room lush - seriously salt-worthy!

Light:  Bright Indirect to Medium

Water: When the top soil is dry. Less in the winter. 

Humidity: Moderate

Temperature: 60-80° F (18-27°)

Soil/Repotting: Repot when the roots have no more room. Every 2-3 years in the spring. Use well-draining soil such as common houseplant mixes. 

Toxic / Height & Spread 26x8ft